  Guide to Data Entry
Welcome and here is a quick guide to get you started!

The following illustrates the basic flow of data entry (to create a new course, to add and report completion status of participants, for secretariat to grant approvals, and finally to print Certificates of Completion of the NRP Course).

Hospital Representative
Please login with your username (your official email as provided to the NRP secretariat) and your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on the 'Retrieve Password' and enter your email address. Your password will be sent to your email address.

  1. Add new course
    • choose syllabus (Edition number)
    • setup course time/venue
    • enter Lead/Assisting Instructors
    - or -
    Choose existing course
  2. Add Participant
    • enter participants details
    • specify which skills according to syllabus
    • status will be PENDING
  3. Add more participants
    • status will be PENDING


  1. Click on PENDING participant
  2. Change status to APPROVED or REJECTED
  3. Can fill in remarks (especially if REJECTED)

Hospital Representative (to check status)

  1. Choose existing course to see list of Participants and statuses
  2. Click on REJECTED status to read admin comments
  3. Click on APPROVED to download NRP Certificate in PDF